1) “I thought this was already a done deal.“
· No way! That’s what Solid Solutions wants you to believe!
· Actually, as of 5/20/21, they have not yet even made application for re-zoning.
· The office they have set up in Tallapoosa is no different than a political candidate setting up a campaign office, even though they may never be elected. This is just a part of their P-R strategy.
2) “Why bother? We don’t stand a chance against Solid Solutions.”
· Again, not true! This same company was defeated in Hempstead, Waller County, TX, and that was AFTER their county commissioners voted to allow the landfill!
· If we can get our county officials to SAY NO to the Landfill, the fight will be much easier!
3) “I heard this would bring employment opportunities… We need industry here!”
· A new landfill would bring very few new jobs to Haralson County… potentially a few people to run bulldozers and check-in the garbage trucks.
· The main thing it WILL bring is the giant garbage delivery trucks (one every 5 minutes), as well as problems that go along with that… traffic, damage to roads, bad odors, negative environmental and health impacts!
· Rather than bringing new industry and growth to the county… the mega-landfill would hurt our chances for growth.
· What business owners would desire to bring their families and businesses to a county that has the largest landfill in the state? A landfill that creates bad odor, diminished property values, truck traffic, and potentially harmful environmental and health effects for decades to come.
4) “What are our alternatives to a new landfill?”
· The Haralson Alliance is working with environmental consultant, Richard Klein, and recycling guru, Will Sagar, of the Southeast Recycling Development Council, to explore efficient and cost effective ways of increased recycling in our county.
· We have learned that in recent years Georgia and other southeast states have become national recycling leaders, largely because of all the local industries which use recyclables as manufacturing feedstock.
· At least 30%, perhaps as much of 80%, of what is currently landfilled could be recycled.
5) “So, what are our chances of winning this battle?”
· We feel that our chances are very good if we can do the items in #6, below:
6) “I’d like to help! How?” You can help in many ways! Here are 7 ways you can help.
· Sign the Petition at www.HaralsonAlliance.org . Your name and comments will be forwarded to our county officials to let them know your thoughts.
· Sign up for Text Notifications from the Alliance by texting: “NOLANDFILL” to 844-951-2667 (UGH-951-COMP). You will receive text updates on developments, and notifications (“calls for action”) at meetings, etc.
· Get 5 or more of your friends to also sign up for Text Notifications and Sign the Petition!
· Put a NOLANDFILL yard sign on your property, email haralsonalliance@gmail.com with your information.
· Volunteer to be an “Alliance Advocate” to keep your church, neighborhood, civic group, etc organized and informed. Sign up by emailing haralsonalliance@gmail.com
· Donate funds… See Item #7
· When the time comes for public hearings… SHOW UP and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! It is very important that we let our county officials know that we do not want this new mega-landfill in our county! WE NEED TO PACK THE HOUSE!
7) “How can I donate?”
· Donations are very much appreciated, and are currently being used to fund our website, texting service, sign campaign, mailing and advertising expenses. We have also hired an environmental attorney, Don Stack from Atlanta, to guide us through the process.
· Note that donations are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
· Donations may be made by check, payable to HC Alliance for Responsible Waste Mgt, PO Box 501, Tallapoosa, GA 30176
· Donations may also be made via Paypal at our website, www.HaralsonAlliance.org